Sunday, July 23, 2023

So pick your poison for the third time...

From 2002.  I've had track #6 (and even #2) stuck in my head for the past two weeks. Now it's time for them to get lodged in yours.

**Please do not reveal artist in comments!**



Christian said...

Hello, could you post on the blog Dancing Hoods - Blue Letter album, please? Thanks in advance!!!

Scaggsaway said...

These songs are cutting off with like 20-30 seconds left. Tried deleting and re-downloading. Anyone else having this trouble?

Failsafe said...

This might be a new problem I've encountered with an older system and version of itunes where it scans the track length and gets it wrong. it re-sans every time you load in a new set of songs and for some reason miscalculates the track length of where to go to the next track. The solution is to load in new tracks and hit cancel in the scanning process. if you accidentally don't hit it quick enough it will miscalculates. deleted the tracks from itunes and re ad them remembering to be fast enough to click stop on the track calculation box in the top right.

spavid said...

Just seeing your comments now. Is anyone still having difficulty with the songs cutting off early. I can provide a new rip if need be