Saturday, March 15, 2025

half string - oval 7" -

At some point in 1992 I summoned up the misguided notion I could count all of the shoegazer/dream pop bands in the world on my fingers and toes.  Turns out I was off by several extremities. Deeper into the '90s as the movement seemed to wane I was stunned by the sheer depth and breadth of what still existed, and of course, the number of bands that had passed that I was belatedly becoming acquainted with.  Arizona's half string were one such later discovery.  Not necessarily bringing anything out of whole cloth to the table, h/s took a more subtle approach, mirroring the melancholic, contemplative hues of Springhouse and early Moose, never nailing you over the head with anything too sonically dense of engulfing.  This is ripped straight from my 45 with plenty of surface noise intact.  Unblemished versions of these songs can be had easily enough on the 2012 reissue compendium, Maps for Sleep.  

a. oval
b. sun less sea

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