Sunday, October 22, 2023

Take me back to 1979 so I can find my open eyes.

A debut album from 2003. The last throes of Brit-pop, or a new chapter altogether?  Give this a few listens to sink in.

**Please do not reveal artist in comments!**



Deadmandeadman said...

I have yet to unzip this week's selection, but with your track record, I'm confident it'll be worthy of a listen, at least. I have been collecting music all my life, starting back in the days of 78 RPM's. Yeah, I'm that old, and I'm seriously addicted to music. In my view, all eras and most genres have good & bad music. Of course its all subjective, but i think u understand the gist of what I'm saying. (I just smoked some great herb, so please excuse me for "running off at the mouth".) Anyway, you have lead me to some great music these last few yrs. So thank u 4 that. Keep up the good work.

Failsafe said...

These guys had such a weirdly under promoted career. Their youtube channel has videos with under 5k views, yet they were platinum artists in the UK. They seem happy to just let their legacy disappear.