Monday, August 31, 2009
V/A - The Best of the Radio Tokyo Tapes (1987, Chameleon)

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Dresden - Misadventure (1982, Fall Out)
01. Yet to Come
02. Living Nowadays
03. Briangrip
04. Armchair Generals
05. Dreamland
06. Cycles
07. Looking for a Job
08. Heart of Desire
09. Freedom
10. Eve of Destruction
11. Civilized
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Outrageous Cherry - Stereo Action Rent Party (1996, Third Gear)
02. Days
03. Qui Peut Dire?
04. Song from the Bottom of a Well
05. Wonderful
06. Boy Child
07. I’m Not in Love
08. Chinese White
09. Miss X
10. Ring Around the Moon
11. Reel Around the Fountain
12. Some of Them Are Old
13. Lonesome Heroes
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Beauty Constant - Like the Enemy (1987, Forehead)
01. Ed's Anthem
02. Under the Gun
03. Like the Enemy
04. Catching You
05. Fortunately
06. It's One Life
07. Second Minor One
08. Site to See
09. Thursday Night
10. Send a World Apart
Splitting the Difference # 26 - The Gwens/Breezy Porticos (2001, Happy Happy Birthday to Me)

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturnhead - Introducing...Arizona's Thin Mistake (1997, Resolution)

Painted Birds - Green and Peaceful World ep (1987, Absolute-A-Go-Go)
01. Green and Peaceful World
02. Mexico
03. Natasha on a Rainy Day
04. Someone Else's Dream
05. I'll Be There
06. Running
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Wind - Living in a New World (1986, Midnight)
Monday, August 17, 2009
V/A - Another Damned Seattle Compilation (1991, Dashboard Hula Girl)

01. The Purdins - 1 of the 2
02. Young Fresh Fellows - Fan Club
03. Coffin Break - Love Song
04. Skin Yard - Machine Gun Etiquette
05. Gas Huffer - Suicide
06. The Accused - Neat, Neat, Neat
07. Love Battery - I Just Can't Be Happy Today
08. Motorhoney - Psychomania
09. Freak - Antipope
10. Flop - Disco Man
11. Hammerbox - New Rose
12. Derelicts - Born to Kill
13. Gruntruck - Nasty
14. Mudhoney - Stab Your Back
15. The Posies - Smash It Up
16. Big Satan, Inc - Melody Lee
17. Whitey - Wait For The Blackout
18. Fastbacks - Hit Or Miss
19. Young Fresh Fellows - Life Goes On
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Local Operator - singles (1979, Virgin)

Friday, August 14, 2009
The Wondermints - covers/demos (1988)
A lot of you Wondermints and/or power-pop aficionados in general have already been acquainted with a plethora of demos and rare tracks cut before the band's self-titled debut, courtesy of some outstanding uploads posted on Power Pop Criminals. Between the Mintsmania! and Our Music is Blue & Green With Purple Flashes "boots" there are over 40 songs to revel in - damn near enough to fill a box set...yet there was more. In 1988, the Mints cut a little under a dozen cover tracks by the likes of Pink Floyd, The Doors, Pretenders, Monkees, the Hollies, tv themes, and more that weren't widely circulated, if at all. Well, here you go. I won't give away anything more, however, topping things off is a stunning, totally unreleased original, "No One's Girl," brandishing the appeal of early Marshall Crenshaw, with a bit of a mid '60s flair as well. I don't have a band roster for this particular session, but who cares - it's the Wondermints!
01. See Emily Play
02. I'll Be True to You
03. All I Really Want to Do
04. Kid
05. Bus Stop
06. Outer Limits theme
07. Touch Me
08. Everybody's Talking
09. Tuesday Afternoon
10. Lost in Space theme
11. No One's Girl
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Beat Temptation (Tim Lee/Windbreakers) - Concerned About Rock Music? (1985, Big Monkey/Homestead)
The bio for this album states quite plainly that despite the fact that Tim Lee of Windbreakers fame is the key figurehead in Beat Temptation, it's not to be considered a side project. Appropriate considering B/T were put under their own separate umbrella, because they really are an entity unto themselves, if only for the somewhat annoying saxophone wails, courtesy of Robin Sutliff, that puncture so much of the proceedings here. Without giving away too much about this eclectic set, Beat Temptation are at essence a college rock outfit, and certainly shouldn't alienate Lee fans, with the jangly "Bad Sermonette" being of some consolation to pop traditionalists. Side A closes out with a woozy, boozy medley of "What Goes On" and "1969," but I still contest that the sax accompaniment mars more than it embellishes.
01. Some Name
02. The Talk
03. Amnesia
04. What Goes On/1969
05. Fuzztone
06. On Your Mark
07. Bad Sermonette
08. Oh No! Not Love
09. Better Than You
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Radio City "North Sea" 7" (1993, VHF)

Splitting the Difference # 25 Coffin Break/The Figgs 7" (1992, Negative Feedback)
Coffin Break and The Figgs are something of an unlikely combo for a split single, in regards to both genre and proximity. Granted, "Let Me Have It," cut in 1992, presumably for the Ginger sessions finds the (then) upstate New York quartet raising a little more of a raucous then usual. The jagged little squelch of feedback in the opening seconds leads into a treble-happy, two-and-a-half minute slice of pogo-pop as only the Figgs know how to cook up. Of course, I've extolled on them a few times on these pages, so I'm a little biased.

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Paul Collins (The Nerves, The Beat) & John Wicks (The Records) - 2009 Fall tour details - plus two vintage live sets to get you stoked!

Paul's Fall West Coast DatesOn September 11 Paul Collins sets out on his early Fall West Coast Tour with The Avengers and Pansy Division. John Wicks may join Paul for a date or two. The schedule is as follows:
SA 9.11.09 Seattle, WA @ The Funhouse
SA 9.12.09 Portland, OR @ Dante's
SU 9.13.09 Medford, OR @ Musichead
TU 9.15.09 Sacramento, CA @ Fire Escape
WE 9.16.09 Santa Cruz, CA @ The Blue Lagoon
TH 9.17.09 Oakland, CA @ The Uptown
FR 9.18.09 San Francisco, CA @ Bottom of the Hill
SA 9.19.09 Santa Ana, CA @ the Galaxy (w/ John Wicks)
SU 9.20.09 Echo Park, CA @ The Echo (w/ John Wicks)
TU 9.29.09 Bresia, ITALY @ Lio Bar (http://www.myspace.com/liobar)
WE 9.30.09 Cesena, ITALY @ Club to be Confirmed
TH 10.01.09 Roma, ITALY@ Club to be Confirmed
FR 10.02.09 Thiene, ITALY (VI) @ Yourban (http://www.yourban.org/)
SA 10.03.09 Placenza, ITALY @ Madly Pub (http://www.myspace.com/madlypub/)
SU 10.04.09 Domodossola, ITALY (VB) @ Oste live (http://www.myspace.com/ostelive/)
SA 10.10.09 Viveiro - Teatro SPAIN - (Paul Collins & Eric Blakely)
Power Pop Kings Tour (John Wicks, Paul Collins, & Eric Blakely):
TH 10.15.09 Bilboa, SPAIN @ El balcon de Lola
FR 10.16.09 Madrid, SPAIN @ El Sol
SA 10.17.09 Valencia, SPAIN @ wah wah
Remember to check here for the latest concert info. Onto the bootlegs!

01. Paint Her Face
02. All Messed Up and Ready to Go
03. Insomnia
04. Hearts in Her Eyes
05. Vamp
06. Girl
07. Girls That Don't Exist
08. The Same Mistakes
09. Affection Rejected
10. Have You Seen Her
11. 1984
12. Rock & Roll Love Letter
13. Teenerama
14. Starry Eyes
Paul Collins Beat - Jabberwocky's, NYC 12-15-79
01. Rock 'n Roll Girls
02. I Don't Fit In
03. Little Suzie
04. I Will Say No
05. Different Kind of Girl
06. Don't Need to Lie
07. You Won't Be Happy
08. Walking Out on Love
09. Workin' too Hard
10. Across the USA
11. Work-a-day-world
12. On the Highway
13. Don't Wait for Me Tonight
14. I Will Say No
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Mark Gardener (Ride) - Live & The Knitting Factory, New York (2003)

01. intro
02. What You Get
03. Beautiful Ghosts
04. From Time to Time
05. Chrome Waves
06. Magdalen Sky
07. Vapour Trail
08. Twisterella
09. To Get Me Through
10. Dreams Burn Down
11. Snow in Mexico
12. Drive Blind
13. interlude
14. Turn
15. In a Different Place
16. Leave Them All Behind
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Cameraface - After the Scream (1988, Incas)
Late '80s Connecticut outfit, Cameraface sport a myriad of hats on their After the Scream mini-album, with frequent forays into demi-goth and howling post-punk rock. In fact things get so diverse here Scream plays more like a various artists collection, then the unified thought of any single entity. The quartet eventually pin the tail squarely on the donkey in the shape of side two's lead-off track, "When It Gets Dry," bristling with pop smarts and sinewy energy, recalling era acts like Carnival Season, and such exemplary 415 Records groups as Wire Train and Red Rockers. The next song in, "Glass to Shade" follows in familiar footsteps but doesn't quite bare as an immediate hook. It looks like original copies of After the Scream may still be available through the page linked above. Hot rockin' video action below.
01. Working Papers
02. Meet Them
03. Image
04. Good Bye Cattle
05. When It Gets Dry
06. Glass to Shade
07. Long as the Day
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Various - Ten of a Kind: Presented by CMJ (1988, RCA)
01. Gunbunnies - The Emancipation of Helga (She's Not a Number)
02. Titanics - Clown Down
03. Lazy Susan - Faith Has No Other
04. Raging Fire - The Marrying Kind
05. Lablanc - Turn to Me
06. Kid Crash - Contact
07. Circle Sky - When the Life That I Lead Doesn't Lead Anywhere
08. Material Issue - Valerie Loves Me
09. The Distance - King's and Queen's
10. Paul K. & the Weathermen - My Knife
Monday, August 3, 2009
Orange Glass - Interstellar Interstellar (1996, Squirtgun)

08. Parkbench
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The Grays - live at CBGB's 4/20/94