The Wooden Soldiers - Hippies, Punks and Rubber Men (1987, Absolute a-go-go)
The Wooden Soldiers’ warm resonating jangle is bound to evoke comparisons to REM, but I think the Feelies would be more appropriate, especially when you take into account that like the Feelies, the Soldiers were also residents of upstate New Jersey. Lots of poppin’ bass here, courtesy of one Paul, who dovetails well with one Greg’s dexterous fret-play. Principally, Hippies, Punks… is rhythmically inclined, and at moments lyrically frivolous (e.g. “Pitchfork”), but not heavy handed on either front. Whether they intended it or not, the Soldiers were tailored for left-of-the-dial outlets, but wouldn’t sound out of place at any given backyard barbeque either. I believe this album appeared on the now defunct Feelin’ Kinda Froggy blog, but this is my own rip. Scroll down a ways on this here website for more sounds by the Wooden Soldiers.
01. My First Garage
02. Henry David Thoreau
03. Amnesia
04. The Highway Talking
05. Pitchfork
06. Commercial Avenue
07. Up on a Mountain
Wow, thank you for posting this gem. I still have the vinyl version of this that I purchased at Cheap Thrills Records in New Brunswick, NJ in 1986. These guys were part of the New Brunswick music scene that was featured on the WRSU-FM compilation Mental Floss and were contemporaries of the fantastic Spiral Jetty. They bring back many great high school memories for me, and my band in college even covered "Commercial Avenue" from this record.
Hi again
Could you please re-up ths one?
Thank you very much
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