Lynyrd's Innards - Black Flag covers ep (Harmless, 1999)
If you're a Black Flag fan, better get downloadin'. Lynyrd's Innards are a scrappy as-all-get-out Chi-town punk outfit who've released three albums (1999's You're Wreckin Me being their finest half-hour), and this one-off tribute to the mighty Black Flag. The circumstances on how this record came about are all in the liner notes which I've scanned in with the music files. It was recorded live in studio, with Mat Arluck of local power punks Deminer as the special guest vocalist. The Innards tear through eight B/F classics here, not quite outdoing the originals, but coming surprisingly close. Incidentally, this disk was limited to a nice even 204 copies (vinyl color breakout in the liners). Enjoy (or not).
01. Rise Above
02. Jealous Again
03. Depression
04. White Minority
05. Revenge
06. Wasted
07. Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie
08. Six Pack
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