Sunday, May 12, 2024

His Boy Elroy - It's Only Me tape (1988)

Picked this one up at a much beloved, secondhand music/book shop a few years ago at a price I couldn't refuse. This isn't the same His Boy Elroy that was signed to Columbia about thirty years ago, rather this one is more of a cold case. It's unclear where this HBE hailed from, as there's no correspondence address, but I wouldn't be surprised if their locale was in the environs of L.A. where this cassette album was tracked. It's Only Me is yet another loose alt-rock proposition that with a few more power chords and insipid songwriting could have passed for AOR fodder around the time of it's 1988 copyright date. Instead we're treated to something a bit more sophisticated, a la The Alarm, Rhythm Corps or even a more contemplative Duran Duran, albeit HBR weren't particularly on the new romantic bandwidth. Strong tunes and memorable hooks make this nugget of plastic worth investigating, and I'd outright recommend It's Only Me if the Epic Rumors platter I pitched you a few years back made a positive impression. 

01. New England
02. Tell Me
03. Rain
04. Walk in the Park
05. Something to Say
06. I'm Not Sure
07. Fabled Prophets
08. Only Me
09. Modern Love Song
10. Goodbye


Palm Beach said...

Thank you for this and everything you do. This site is a real joy and has introduced me to many artists who I otherwise would never have heard of and whose other works I then try to track down on Discogs and in secondhand shops. Long may your fine taste keep improving mine.

Failsafe said...

surprising 2 bands would land on the same reasonably obscure name in roughly the same time period, although being the line from the jetsons cartoon probably makes it more likely, but still.

J-Ro said...

Found an Ebay listing for the cassette with a photo of the inside J-card.

looks like your hunch may be correct - recorded in LA..

Mark said...

I think there was just a point when people who grew up on Hanna Barberra cartoons hit rock and roll maturity with His Boy Elroy and The WayOuts from Austin, The Wilmas from Lawrence, Kansas, and many others arriving in the mid to late 1980s. His Boy Elroy was a fun all female collective in Austin circa 1989.different group, similar sensibilities?