Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Rangehoods - Rough Town ep (1984, Big D)

Some of you older folks in the audience may recall a Seattle power pop combo, The Heats who issued an acclaimed album, Have an Idea at the dawn of the eighties.  Scintillating as that platter was, lead Heat Steve Pearson went onto a somewhat lesser known quartet, The Rangehoods whose quality control was even more stringent, at least as far as the contents of this ep are concerned.  Possessing a timbre almost identical to Tommy Keene, Pearson leads his fellow Rangehoods through five Plimsouls-ish jewels, without over or under-doing a god damn thing.  Dare I say this is borderline stupendous and one of my best retro finds of late?  Dare I do.  Masterful stuff.  Enjoy.

01. Rough Town
02. Chip on My Shoulder
03. Dangerous
04. Used to Be You
05. Not a Boy



acresofbears said...

Great band - saw them a few dozen times in the 80's and 90's. Don't know if you're aware, but there was a CD called "Long Way Home" in 1991 as well (a bit more country tinged) and Steve Pearson has a solo album from 2003 called "Battles and Ballads" as well as a 2007 release called "Impatient" with a band billed as Steve Pearson & British Racing Green.

i12rok said...

Saw them many times in Seattle and was at the farewell Heats show New Years Eve.If you could find a copy of the Heats Burning Live which I lost over the years it is a great album that really captures what the band sounded like.

acresofbears said...

I made a decent digital rip of my copy of "Burnin' Live" if anyone is interested.

spavid said...

Go for it acres. Thanks for commenting.

acresofbears said...

The Heats, "Burnin' Live" here:

spavid said...

Kickass! Thanks acres!

Jim H. said...

man, you ain't kidding, he DOES have a similar Tommy Keene-esque voice...godd stuff! thanks!

i12rok said...

Acres-thanks for the up of Burnin' Live-really appreciate it-were you a fan of the Cowboys as well back in the day

acresofbears said...

I wasn't much of a Cowboys fan then - not sure if they ever made it up my way (I was living in Victoria, BC then). The only thing I heard was the single "She Makes Me Feel Small/Rude Boy" which a friend had. I quite like the CD compilation of theirs that I picked up when I got the Heats "Smoke" from Chuckie boy records back when it came out. Not sure if you know, but Steve Pearson (heats), Jim Basnight (moberlys) and Jack Hanan (cowboys) have been playing together for a few years as the "Northwest Rivals."

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Greg Staudacher said...
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Nate Fernald said...
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