Sunday, July 7, 2024

Murder or rape your king's English...

A sublime selection from 1991, often striking me as one of the finest things Mark Burgess never concocted. 

**Please do not reveal artist in comments!**



  1. Thank you for this. I must have read about them in Melody Maker at the time, but I’ve long forgotten them if I did. Back then there was no way to hear a band if radio or MTV didn’t play them and you didn’t want to risk your money on a record you’d never heard. I can now confirm that I would have bought it at the time of I’d known it was this good.

  2. Absolute gem. Maybe one day post their final LP Gush as I think it's the most difficult to find from their catalog.
    I thought Lowlife had finished up after San Antorium and then I one day at Tower Records near Herald Square I picked up Gush from the import bin (I think it was a Tower but it could have been a forgotten chain). Funny how we remember certain things.
