Sunday, June 18, 2023

Only tomorrow the love comes easy.

My apologies for not getting any music up this past week. It was a busy one, but will try to rectify that soon.  As for Mystery Monday, is this really the album we were holding out 22 years for?  Definitely some flourishes of brilliance in the first half, but the concluding tracks are outright grating. Enjoy (or not).

**Please do not reveal artist in comments!**



Pernt said...

I know which album this is, without even looking at the download URL.

I enjoyed it much more than you did, apparently. It's not the previous album, not by a long shot, but for a starving fan, it was very welcome.

Eternal Shoegazer said...

I had the same reaction as Pernt. (I knew the album as soon as I read “holding out 22 years” in your post.) I was in ecstasy the moment it was released and eagerly downloaded it. Sure, I was a bit disappointed after actually listening to it, but to long-suffering fans of that band, it felt like a sip of water after a long, lonely slog through a desert.

Failsafe said...

Yes, guessable without clicking, and it is somewhat underwhelming for the time it took to arrive, as will the next one be probably, if it ever happens. To be honest I haven't listened to this since it came out so it was nice to revisit it, but my initial reaction was probably accurate.

Pernt said...

One more comment: Imagine being a huge fan for 22 years. The previous album became your favorite album of all time. You despaired that there would ever be a new note from the band ever. And then you wake up early one random Saturday morning, groggily start digging through your email... and see an announcement from the band that they just dropped their new album! I bought it without even realizing what I was doing. And the rest of that weekend was spent in a blissful musical haze.