I know most of you won't be able to offer me a solution given this is an issue with the mechanics of Blogger, but if you have a blog of your own I could really use some assistance. If you're merely browsing Wilfully Obscure (as a good 95% of you are) this conversation will be foreign to you.
That being said, Blogger has switched to a new graphic interface, which will become a mandatory replacement for the "classic" interface. It has several inherent flaws, most notably the feature that allows us to edit previously established content (i.e. "old" entries). Typically once I'm signed into Google/Blogger I can search for any given entry and scroll down to the bottom right hand corner of the post and click on the Quick edit (pencil) icon (

). This will take me directly into that entry to make any necessary modifications.
While the Quick edit icon is still present in Blogger's new interface it does NOT take me to the original entry as it has for almost twenty years, rather a list of ALL previous entries in reverse chronological order. I am nearing 3000 entries on this page and it is virtually impossible to access a specific entry with this method. While I can create and edit new posts (say, one's created in the last two months) it could literally take me hours of loading and scrolling this list to reach the one I intend to. In essence,
I will not be able to modify previous entries in the future. This translates to no more refreshed download links. I have a posted to Blogger's "
page, but Google is notorious for not replying to any queries, and
email/chat/phone support is not existent. There isn't even an option to
pay for support.
If any of you utilize Blogger on a regular basis and can duplicate the issue I'm describing please leave a response in the comments. If you have a direct contact to a Blogger/Google developer and are brave enough to share their contact details you can email me as well (please check my profile). Thanks so much for your help!