Friday, March 14, 2014

Sister Psychic - Catch and Release (1996, Y)

Had a request for this.  I listened to Sister Psychic's first album, Fuel, on occasion when it came out.  That was around 1991-92, but for the most part, they fell off my radar after that.  SP were a Seattle fuzz pop trio, who weren't terribly concerned with grunge (yet they definitely employed some crunchy riffs now and again).  Not unlike Gnome, but I thought Gnome had better material.  Speaking of which, Y Records was an obscuro Seattle imprint, that I think was actually supposed to release a Gnome CD out, but anyway.  Enjoy (or not).

01. Garden
02. Bob
03. Hollywood
04. AFL
05. Dream Heard
06. Make Me Nervous
07. If I Were God
08. Japan
09. My Decision
10. Groove
11. Draw With Erasers
12. Space Boy



Unknown said...

Hey man, I love this post! Thank you very very much!!!!!

Rob-in-Brevard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rob-in-Brevard said...

Thanks for this and so many other excellent shares.

Thanks also for adding my dB's Repercussion blog to your blogroll. If I ever got around to doing that, I'll be sure to add WO to mine...


Unknown said...

Could you please reupload this one?


Oxy said...

Sorry. Missed the last re-up of this. Would you please consider this when you do another reup post? Thanks. It would be very much appreciated.

honeymoney said...

Please,reups Sister Psychic=Catch And Release=.Thanks in advance!

nexonemailrecognitionisawesome said...

If possible could you reup Sister Psychic-Catch and RElease? Thanks!

SilverLeaf said...

Could you reup this? please.
And have you heard this band? Softy
they released a single on Y Records (1994), would be interesting to see in your blog, it's not a request, only a musical recommendation.
Thanks for all that you do!

zdlrragefan said...

hello, can you re up for files please?

CozzD said...

Any chance you could post their excellent album Fuel. That would be most appreciated.