Saturday, March 29, 2014

Netkups, we have a problem.

I just wanted to acknowledge what some of you have pointed out in the last day or two.  Presently, none of the files I have stored via Netkups are available.  If you're experience is anything like mine, you've been greeted with "Please try again layer" immediately after selecting the file.  As annoying as this is, it's even more egregious in light of a spate of ongoing issues I've had with them all year.  To give you a little bit of background, my original file-hoster of choice for almost six years (Rapidshare) gave my entire account the boot in January of 2013, without any warning or explanation.  Netkups seemed like a reliable option, and they have accommodated me ever since, but in addition to a myriad of technical glitches, they have aggressively been deleting any content that hasn't been accessed in over 30 days.  Not the most unreasonable stance on their end perhaps, but I've shared no less than 1500 files since Wilfully Obscure came online in 2007.  This has translated into the ceaseless and Sisyphean task of restoring dozens of files every week, based mostly on your thoughtful requests which I have done my best to keep pace with.

In a nutshell, I believe Netkups' current malady will be rectified, but I clearly need a more reliable file hoster.  Zippyshare seems tolerant of "sharity" sites like mine, but they don't offer anything better than Netkup's 30-day window of file access, which means I'll continue to be rolling "the rock" uphill as I have been in recent months.  Mediafire was an option until 2013 when they deleted the content of several music blogs that I had regarded as being on the up and up.  I don't really care for DivShare, Mega requires passwords for everything, and I'm not about to try my luck with Rapidshare again.  Will probably give Zippyshare a whirl, but if you have some better suggestions (even if it means paying a modest monthly fee for file hosting) I'm all ears.  Thanks for sticking around.


  1. I need an album, if you could upload it it would be great, the name of the album and singer
    Ned Brower - Great To Say Hello
    Please, upload it

  2. I feel your troubles. I've gone through Rapidshare, Megaupload, Filesonic, Sendspace, Hotfile, Mediafile, Zippyshare, Uploaded, Mega, and probably a few more. I think I liked Rapidshare, Mediafile or Zippy the best for ease of use, but the 30day thing is stupid, and they have all deleted my accounts, so I'm not going back to them. The one I most rely on now is Mega. You can easily set it so it doesn't have passwords or keys. And it is blazingly fast to download. I have not seen that it has download counters, which I have found useful to see what links are popular. And from what I hear, links never expire. My two cents. Good luck!

  3. I think Mega is the best file sharing site for now. I agree with Kevin.

    Rapidshare, Uploaded sucks. I like zippyshare too

  4. Thanks for your suggestions. Will investigate Mega.

    As for your request Vic, I can't help you with that album. My apologies.

  5. Mega is a good choice, 50 GB of unlimited storage. Many other companies are following suit: DepositFiles (25 GB), ADrive (50 GB). It's worth investigating :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Use Depositfiles or disk.Yandex. Eventually Mega.
    (Combine uploads)
    Zippy's not good enough as it deletes files after even less than 30 days..

  8. you can also hide the file extensions to .dat and rename the files to generic names to avoid music file checkins
