Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Attention - What Have We Done ep (1985, Mb/3)

Ironically, Attention never cry out for the very thing their namesake implies, or for that matter what it's supposed to encourage, at least as far as this record is concerned.  Not even rambunctious enough to qualify as power pop, this New York quartet nonetheless possessed something of an edge thanks to Martin Foley's spoken/sung timbre.  That paired with Billy Hopkins strummy guitar maneuvers tilted Attention towards The Feelies side of the tracks, albeit with a more pedestrian bent.  What Have We Done is hardly a revelation, but probably more enriching than say, anything hitting the Top 40 in 1985.

01. What Have We Done
02. Hold Tight
03. Statesong
04. Coming Home
05. Highwire


1 comment:

  1. Hi there

    Could you possibly re-up this one?

    Thank you very much
