Saturday, September 21, 2013

Medicine - Her Highness (1995) Brad Laner mix

I'm short on time for a write-up, but I think this mix is a big improvement over the original.  Plus it contains a few more tracks.  BTW, Medicine have a new album out, To the Happy Few, and it's up there with Shot Forth and The Buried Life.

01. Black Cherry Water/I Feel Nothing at All
02. All Good Things
03. Father Down
04. Her Highness
05. Wash Me out
06. A Fractured Smile
07. Aarhus
08. Candy Candy
09. The Tunnel/Seen the Light Alone
10. Heads
11. Thanks giving
12. Wash
13. Father Dub



  1. this is awesome, had this for a long while and dont even really listen to the cd anymore.
    the original of this came with a great cover of a gigantic train wreck (irony?)...

  2. I've actually never seen that version of the album cover. Interesting.

  3. any chance of a re-up? i've been hoping to hear this for quite a while!
