Thursday, May 16, 2013

Parrish Blue - Western Roads (1987, Jolt)

Sometimes a record appears in my collection and I simply can't recall how it arrived there or where it came from.  Such was the case with Parrish Blue's Western Roads, an album that was likely obtained in a vinyl buying binge of mine, and plucked off the shelf and converted to ones and zeros for the first time this week,  No joke.  At any rate Parrish Blue are hardly of the esoteric sort, playing non-descriptive guitar-pop, with occasional glints of mid-80s R.E.M., albeit in a demonstrably more pedestrian context (see "Cooperstown").  Kind of a Pedaljets vibe going on too, especially on some Western's keepers like "Boomerang" and "Arm and Arm."  The rest is a mixed bag, but usually tolerable.  By the way, you can claim your own copy on Ebay for a mere $100.  Ain't nothin' but a bargain.  

01. Remember Me the Same
02. Handshake
03. Boomerang
04. Coopersville
05. I Am the Revolution
06. Western Roads
07. Arm in Arm
08. Take Me There
09. Forget the Lies
10. The Dove



Charlie said...

wow. that's a pretty generous review :) we were 18 when we made that record...thanks

bglobe313 said...

Hey Charlie (and Spavid), From this corner it's a pretty good review too. And damn accurate. As a whole the album is not great from beginning to end (not that many are), but just listening to it now for the first time, I am hearing quite a few songs I like a lot (and these are very jaded ears having listened to an incredible amount of music from this era -- although very clearly not as many as the host of this site). Good work.

Really only 18 at the time. Any further adventures?


Halcokifen said...

I was 17. 8)
