Career-wise, The Meices were ten-fold more illustrious than their mates on the flipside, due in no small part to holding down a major label recording contract during the mid '90s. The pile-driving pop-punk trio from 'Frisco didn't quite make the inroads they should have, but I suppose they didn't have the "cute" factor going for them, unlike another more cuddly power trio from their neck of the woods that need not be named. "Sister," appearing here in demo form was rechristened as "The Big Shitburger" for inclusion on their London Records debut, Tastes Like Chicken. A really convenient, radio-friendly marketing decision right there. That tasty little nugget is followed up by a live rendering of A Flock of Seagulls' "I Ran." You can hear a smattering of early Meices singles, made available from this very blog.
01. Just My Way
02. Sump 'n Good
The Meices
01. Sister (demo)
02. I Ran (live)
I saw these bands together at Night Break back in the day. It's irritating that Rapidshare isn't letting me download right now!
Hi there! I love your blog soooooooooo much. Any chance of a reupload on both the splits you have up with the Meices? Just got into Courdoroy and would love to hear that split for sure. In any event thanks a million!
The link has been updated.
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