Saturday, August 9, 2008

Singles Going Single # 60 - Willard (1993, The Matt Label)

The tale of Raleigh, NC's Willard is a short one, given their brief year-and-a-half existence, but when you factor in the era, 1989-91, coupled with their locale, that lends the band to a particularly fervant period in indie-rawk history. No Superchunk or Archers sound-a-likes here, but Willard's aesthetic was faintly similar, not to mention entirely fitting considering their spot on the timeline. Wrap your ears around the mid-fi glory that is "Sunshine Wire," and you'll get my drift in a heartbeat. "Cypher" doesn't fair quite as well, at least not as a 'pop song.' The liner notes in the sleeve fail to disclose if these were their only recordings, so feel free to chime in if you have the goods on Willard.

A. Sunshine Wire
B. Cypher



  1. Wow. Willard. I have a demo from them that I bought at Schoolkids or Rec Ex in Raleigh. So they do have more tunes. I'll have to see if I can find it and digitize it if you're still interested in such things.

  2. Hello, the link was deleted.

    Can you re-upload this again,please?
