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Monday, September 30, 2013
You rolled right by on your way back from shock therapy...
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Sunday, September 29, 2013
VA - Lessons From Little Hits, Part 1

Bored Games - Bridesmaid
Circles - Opening Up
Cowboy Mouth - Long Hot Ride
Downy Mildew - Purple Parlor
Idiot Savant - Throw It Away
Mad Turks From Istanbul - Looking Forward To Destroy
Monkey 101 – French Feelings
The Moss Poles - One Summer
NNB - Slack
The Pencils - Watching The Tears
Snips - 9 O'clock
Speed The Plough - River Street
The Jean-Paul Sartre Experience - Shadows
The Pearly Gatecrashers - Age Of Innocence
Friday, September 27, 2013
The Suburbans - The Pop Life (1980, Isleford)
01. No Use to Cry
02. Saturday Night Blues (Going to a Party)
03. The Way I Look at You
04. I Don't Understand
05. You Don't Know My Name
06. No Love Song
07. I'm a Good Dancer
08. Nobody Told Me How It Would Be
09. Words and Wants
10. Suburban Rock
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Re-up: White Flag - Thru the Trash Darkly 1982/1992 (Munster), R.I.P. Bill Bartell (aka Pat Fear).
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Lifeboys - The Living Class ep (1987)
01. Acts
02. Rebel Rock/Noble Roll
03. One of the New Ones
04. Talking With People From France
Monday, September 23, 2013
By the time fear takes over we will still be rolling...
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Medicine - Her Highness (1995) Brad Laner mix
01. Black Cherry Water/I Feel Nothing at All
02. All Good Things
03. Father Down
04. Her Highness
05. Wash Me out
06. A Fractured Smile
07. Aarhus
08. Candy Candy
09. The Tunnel/Seen the Light Alone
10. Heads
11. Thanks giving
12. Wash
13. Father Dub
Friday, September 20, 2013
Nostalgist & Widlhoney (2013, Nostalgium) a brief overview
My Bloody Valentine are to shoegazer as The Beatles are to pop music - an inescapable touchstone of which their respective genres are rooted in, and remain a pervasive influence to this day. Nostalgist's sonic template is not immune to it's share of Loveless-esque ebbs and flows - almost to a fault on "Illusory," but the band offers a rather indigenous facet in frontman Asa Eisenhardt, whose atypically deep and slow vocal panache is downright attention grabbing. While the remainder of his crew surges along at a usual dream-pop clip, Asa's vox approximate a 45 rpm record being spun at 33. Perhaps a bit of an exaggeration that, but it does make for one of the most unique permutations this genre has ever produced...and best of all, it practically demands repeat listens. If the noir hue of "Illusory" wasn't dark enough for you, the even chillier and pounding flip,"Twisting Slowly (Cleansing Doubt)" blacks out the light entirely, treading into similar territory as Red Lorry Yellow Lorry. Just the kind of blissful bludgeoning I like.

You can order physical copies of both records through Nostalgium Directives store, or if you prefer to go the digital route, Bandcamp has you covered.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
John's Black Dirt - Perpetual Optimism Is a Force Multiplier (1994, Grass)

01. Congliptious
02. Saltines
03. Movements
04. Buick
05. Fog
06. Happy Apple
07. White Sale
08. Crazy Goddamn Mad
09. Pugilist
10. Falling
11. Wide Load
12. Cloud in Pants
13. Lights Flashing
14. Who Wears the Jerk Hat?
Now on Amazon, or on ltd ed. vinyl courtesy of Bandcamp.
Dot Dash - Half-Remembered Dream (2013, TBM) - a brief overview

Half Remembered Dream is available digitally through Bandcamp, iTunes, and Amazon, and physical CDs can be purchased through The Beautiful Music. A two song taster is available by way of Soundcloud, here and here.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Summer goes on, and then dies quick without much warning...

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Sunday, September 15, 2013
Difference Engine - Breadmaker (1993, La-Di-Da), "And Never Pull" 7" (1992, Swirling Worlds)
Approaching their records with a distortion-saturated ethereal sonic tact, it was convenient to deem D/E as dream pop, shoegazer, et al, but by my estimation they were one step ahead or behind that tricky curve. The co-ed quartet's first single, "And Never Pull," certainly evidenced parallels to My Bloody Valentine's gauzy latticework, but D/E pitched a curveball on that song, namely a petite burst of static that appeared at two-second intervals, just like the emissions of an aging cassette in a creaky tape deck. This was the product of effects, something few of their contemporaries could be bothered with. It's that sort of damaged beauty that made D/E's catalog a little more unique, particularly for an American enterprise. "And Never Pull" reemerged on their 1993 mini LP, Breadmaker, but with much of that aforementioned static tamped down a notch or two. Other tracks resembled For Against, and I certainly had no complaints with that. A harder to locate followup album was released in 1997, titled Calidad. It would appear that prior to the release of Breadmaker the band had moved shop to Rhode Island.

1992 single
A. And Never Pull
B. Sea Change
01. 5 Listens
02. Simon's Day
03. And Never Pull
04. Tsunami
05. Flat
06. Bugpowder
07. Epiphany
Friday, September 13, 2013
The Nines - 1994 demo tape

Ok. So a little bird has been whispering in my ear lately about a new album coming down the pike from The Nines, who are something of a cult power-pop favorite from north of the border. September 16 is the street date for both the physical and digital versions which you can learn a little bit more about here.
My introduction to Steve Eggers and Co. was their contribution, "Ghost Town Sunday," to the Pop Can compilation from 1997. I quickly followed up that mesmerizing slice of XTC-inflected goodness with the band's Wonderworld of Colourful album. The Nines absorption of the Andy Partridge and Colin Moulding catalog couldn't be understated in the least, however the deeper I delved into Wonderworld... there was more than simple XTC homage to be had. The Nines sublime pop craftsmanship offered a wink and a nod to the likes of Jellyfish and Marshall Crenshaw as well, but it was apparent they were quietly putting their own spin on things to boot. Unfortunately, given the glut of new releases that were coming out in the late '90s, I kinda lost track of the Nines, despite the fact that they were churning out new material. I still have a lot of catching up to do, but in the meantime, I thought I would share this curio with you. A ten song demo from 1994, featuring prototypes of several songs that would occupy the aforementioned Wonderworld... and many others that failed to carry over. If you're new to The Nines, this cassette isn't a bad intro, but treat yourself to Wonderworld... at CD Baby, not to mention the rest of their back catalog - and of course the new platter coming out this Monday.
01. What Can I Do
02. Here it Comes Again
03. Morning I Wake
04. Jennifer Smiles
05. Orange & Blue
06. "Jules Maxi"
07. Going So Far
08. Days and Days
09. Overblown (King's Crossing)
10. Free of it All
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
The Millions (NE) - M is for Millions 2013 reissue! A brief overview.
Commercially, MifM didn't enjoy the best fate when it was issued in 1991, but those who encountered album were no doubt taken aback by Allison's penetrating vocal panache, and Dingman's ringing chords. The quality of this unmistakably immense pairing is evidenced on "Smiling and Shaking" and "Sometimes," both worth the band's namesake in currency, as well as selections like "Riga (Freedom)," "Breathe," and "Ordinary Men," that fall just shy of the perfect ten threshold. A written description can only do so much justice to songs of this caliber. Luckily the world at large now has the opportunity to discover or re-discover the Millions by virtue of a new double disk reissue. Before the Millions inked themselves to a major label contract, they self-released an early version of MifM, which featured different mixes of seven tracks that made the migration over, and three more tunes that didn't. The reissue is designed as such to preserve the running order of the original incarnation of MifM on disk one, with the second disk carrying all the other songs produced in the sessions, about half of which have heretofore been unreleased, including the scintillating "Kisses Without Sugar" and "Something for Nothing." In short this isn't your typical reissue. As much as I've become endeared to the PolyGram Records iteration of MifM, I enjoy the true-to-the-original reconfiguration just as much.
And of if this humdinger of a reissue wasn't enough, it was preceded by another one, fittingly the unreleased, 1989 precursor to MifM, Poison Fish, which comes courtesy of the same label, Randy's Alternative Music.
Get it on Bandcamp (please).
Monday, September 9, 2013
A frivolous intercourse, crawling up your inside, splinters of your new remorse.

Saturday, September 7, 2013
Just Water - The Riff (1977, Branded)
With roots in Binghamton, NY and having made a full fledged migration to New York City by the late seventies, Just Water were able to ingratiate themselves onto numerous bills at iconic venues like Max's Kansas City and CBGBs, at a very pivotal point in music history. Thing was, they were hardly a punk outfit - at least as far as the The Riff plays out. In fact, the proceedings commence with a couple of characterless hard rock tunes. Things turn on a dime when "They Live by Night" kicks in, which boasts a snarling guitar lick and a genuinely smokin' hook. The melodies keep rolling in on side two, particularly on beauts like "Play it Loud" and "Wayward Boys." Before I let the needle hit the groove, I was itching for Just Water to move me in the same manner as Big Star and the Raspberries. I got a tad of the latter, but the most accurate comparison I was able to take away was The Who - not so much in the performance department, but more so the song arrangements. Mitchell Danick ain't no Daltry, and six-string slinger Danny Rubin doesn't exactly encroach into Townsend territory either, but give The Riff a spin and you'll get my drift...or should I say "riff."
Shortly after ripping this wax, I became aware that the entire album had been reissued, both on CD and via legit download. I should mention that the collection it appears on, Downtown and Brooklyn, is three disks long and contains four times as much music. You'd do well to buy Downtown..., not only out of deference to the band, but because it's bound to be a vast improvement of my static-ridden MP3s.
01. Mean and Rotten
02. The Devil Women
03. They Live by Night
04. The Riff
05. Wayward Boys
06. Drastic Change
07. Play it loud
08. King Kong
09. Down in the Riverboat
Purchase info on the reissue here.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Jef Left - s/t ep (1981, Aye & Emm)
01. Street Survivor
02. The Beat
03. Wound Too Tight
04. No Security
05. Girls in Cars
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
The Bogarts - Huh? tape - (1991, Grasshopper)
01. Sad, Sad Sunday
02. To the Sun
03. Now or Never
04. Grass is Always Greener
05. The Reactor
06. You Don't Know
07. What Were You Thinking
Monday, September 2, 2013
I want an emerald green Jaguar and an Irish wolf hound...
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Sunday, September 1, 2013
Treble Charger - Maybe it's Me (1997)

01. Friend of Mine
02. How She Died
03. Stupid Thing to Say
04. Lareen
05. Red
06. Fade
07. Ever She Flows
08. Forever Knowing
09. Mercury Smile
10. Christ is on the Lawn
11. Scatterbrain
12. Takes Me Down
13. Left Feeling Odd
Get it from Amazon and iTunes